59 Central Blvd.

Camp Hill, PA 17011

Central Office

(717) 975-9103


Online communication is key to quickly and efficiently communicate to your targeted audience whether it be your residents or members.

Who We Are

About Local Gov

Local Gov, a division of Triscari, is a nearly 50-year-old multi-media production company. Our talented web team has worked with a wide range of diverse clients in both the private and public sectors.

Over the past 10 years, our work with numerous government entities including boroughs, townships, associations, and other organizations is unmatched. Websites are now a vital part of communicating with your residents. 

Local Gov provides the online tools and resources you need for your website at a reasonable cost.

Web Solutions

Services We Provide


Local Gov is here to create a website that is uniquely designed for you.

The designs we create are fresh, modern and clean to meet the standards of today’s industry. We test all websites in the most common browsers, along with making sure they are responsive at different screen resolutions.

Let Local Gov handle the technical work for your website.

Sure, building a website can be easy, but is it functional and secure? Does it communicate the message needed to your residents or community?  In today’s world, your community is looking for quick information, which is why Local Gov uses state-of-the-art technology to keep the information streamlined, modern, and fast.


& Mobile Ready

Responsive design is the first approach we take when creating your website.

Having a responsive and mobile ready website is what gives users the ability to adapt from one screen to another without losing page quality reading. After all, over 80% of internet users own a smartphone.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a necessity in today’s industry.  Local Gov gets it.

We make certain your website is optimized with proper “keywords” which are thematic to your website. Local Gov can get those SEO robots working. When a resident, community member, or visitor searches related keywords, your website is shown as an option from which to choose.

SEO & Analytics

Website Examples

Recent Website Projects

Contact Us

Get In Touch

Please contact us with any questions or concerns you may have, or how we may assist in customizing your website just for your community. 

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